

A hook that tracks mutations of an element. It returns a callbackRef.


import React, { useState } from "react";
import { useMutationObserverRef } from "rooks";

function Demo() {
  const [mutationCount, setMutationCount] = useState(0);
  const incrementMutationCount = () => {
    return setMutationCount(mutationCount + 1);
  const [myRef] = useMutationObserverRef(incrementMutationCount);
  const [XOffset, setXOffset] = useState(0);
  const [YOffset, setYOffset] = useState(300);
  return (
          width: "auto",
          background: "lightblue",
          padding: "10px",
          position: "absolute",
          left: XOffset,
          top: YOffset,
            resize: "both",
            overflow: "auto",
            background: "white",
            color: "blue",
            maxWidth: "100%",
            Resize this div as you see fit. To demonstrate that it also updates
            on child dom nodes resize
          <button onClick={() => setXOffset(XOffset - 5)}> Move Left </button>
          <button onClick={() => setXOffset(XOffset + 5)}> Move Right </button>
          <button onClick={() => setYOffset(YOffset - 5)}> Move Up </button>
          <button onClick={() => setYOffset(YOffset + 5)}> Move Down </button>
      <div style={{ height: 500 }}>
        <pre>Mutation count {mutationCount}</pre>

const App = () => {
  return (
      style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", alignItems: "center" }}
      <h1>Rooks : useMutationObserverRef example</h1>
      <Demo />

export default App;


ArgumentTypeDescriptionDefault value
callbackfunctionFunction which should be invoked on mutation. It is called with the mutationList and observerundefined
configobjectMutation Observer configuration{attributes: true,,characterData: true,,subtree: true,,childList: true}

Return value

Returns an array with one element

refCallbackRefRef which should be observed for Mutations

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