

usePreviousDifferent returns the last different value of a variable


import { usePreviousDifferent, useCounter } from "rooks";

function App() {
  const { value: counter1Value, increment: incrementCounter1 } = useCounter(0);
  const previousCounter1Value = usePreviousDifferent(counter1Value);
  const { value: counter2Value, increment: incrementCounter2 } = useCounter(0);
  const previousCounter2Value = usePreviousDifferent(counter2Value);
  return (
      style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", alignItems: "center" }}
      <h1>Rooks : usePreviousDifferent example </h1>
        Notice how previously different values are tracked across rerenders and
        when other values change.
        <p>Counter: {String(counter1Value)}</p>
        <p>Previous Counter 1 value: {String(previousCounter1Value)}</p>
        <p>Counter: {String(counter2Value)}</p>
        <p>Previous Counter 1 value: {String(previousCounter2Value)}</p>
        <button onClick={incrementCounter1}>Increment counter 1</button>
        <br />
        <button onClick={incrementCounter2}>Increment counter 2</button>

export default App;


ArgumentsTypeDescriptionDefault value
currentValueTThe variable whose previously different value is to be trackedundefined


Returned valueTypeDescription
previousValueTreturns the past value which was different from the current one

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